WITCHERY: In Mixing Mode
September 14, 2004WITCHERY guitarist Patrik Jensen (THE HAUNTED) has posted the following message at the Earth-Dog.com message board:
Alright, so where do I start... It's been a long time since WITCHERY has done anything... I think the last thing we did was the tour of Mexico we did together with THE HAUNTED and TO/DIE/FOR.. can't even remember when the Hell that was haha
"Oh well..anyways, after THE HAUNTED had completed the new album, I guess the time was right, if not even way overdue, to get a new WITCHERY album done. Richard, Martin and myself had rehearsed a few times during my 2003 xmas visit to my old home town, so we had material for 3-4 songs floating around. However, we didnt get writing & rehearsing really going until late June, due to touring & festival obligations I had with THE HAUNTED.
"We rehearsed all through the summer, and by the first week of August, we had all the songs written. We recorded the yet untitled album at the Berno studio in Malmö, Sweden (same studio as for 'Symphonies for the Devil'). We have 16 songs that are being mixed & mastered right now.
"Some song titles are:
01. Draw Blood
02. Plaguerider
03. Disturbing the Beast
04. Stigmatized
05. War Piece
"Hopefully, the album will be out before the end of this year... The album title will be posted, as soon as a title has been chosen
"And finally, to state the obvious, the WITCHERY home page has been terribly neglected lately. This will be rectified as soon as possible."